My intention for Express Ways is to assist myself and others to discover truths we may have hidden from ourselves and others. My desire is to have more authentic and fulfilling relationships. Secrets, fears, or doubts abound in the human mind. The stories we tell ourselves and others may not be lies, but they may not always express the full truth of what we believe: Or of who we are.

I have found much neuroscience research which reveals a lot about how our minds come equipped with certain biases. That is our nature. The life experiences we have endured was shaped by our environment. This includes our family life, our education, our nutrition, and so much more. That is our nurturing. Together, these traits, teachings, and trainings lead us to a sense of self that seems certain; cast in stone (or flesh and bone) and unalterable. Sure, we may “change our mind” about many things over the course of our life, but this sense-of-self remains a fixture in our psyche. I have concluded that it may not be as fixed as I had believed it to be.

We may go to extreme lengths to protect the integrity of who we profess to be. Labels we acquire or claim for ourselves may, or may not, always be accurate, however. I have explored many ways in which I can be more authentically present with others in my life. Practicing Relational Presence, as developed in the Speaking Circles model, has been one of the most valuable experiences of my life.

On this site I will delve into, and share with you, what I have discovered that set me free from many of the conflicts I had experienced in the past. It has not always been easy, but it has been essential to my peace of mind and my relationships.

Do you sense a deeper calling within? A calling to decide what is true for, and about, yourself? Do you wish to tell your own story more authentically? Would you like to reduce conflicts in your relationships? Express Ways can give you the tools, and the skills to use them, in order to set your Self free.