Never in my life of seventy-four years did I envision the world I find myself living in now. No one can accurately predict the future, I know, but come on, man!

My childhood dreams have come true to a degree even I didn’t really believe was possible. In retrospect, it is amazing to me that I have had the experiences, both good and not so good, that I have had, and to have come through it all as relatively intact as I am. More on all that on another blog.

From 1948 until 2020 things were taking their usual course of ups and downs in the world, as well as in my personal life. But things were still relatively predictable, based on a shared history we all seemed to have a basic understanding of, and belief in. There were plenty of disagreement about many issues, their causes, effects, and solutions, of course. And then came 2020. Having 2020 hindsight is a vision of looking in a distorted mirror, it seems to me.

No need to rehash what we all have witnessed. What is weird, though, is that we seem to have witnessed completely different worlds than the one we shared for all the years before. If quantum physics is correct, there seems to have been a melding of multiverses simultaneously exposing us to multiple concurrent realities at the same time. Is that redundant? Kaleidoscopes have proven to be poor telescopes or microscopes, but that seems to be the way we are looking at our unique reality and trying to explain it to others.

My vision for Express Ways remains clear to me, however. I endeavor to assist others in their quest to make sense of their world view with their loved ones and others with whom they need to have effective relationships. Bringing individuals together to focus their energy into a coherent, mutually recognizable vision they can attain is how I choose to move forward from this place I scarcely recognize at the moment. Please feel free to join me on this journey. We can guide each other to a better place, I am sure.