Much has been said about our “golden years” in the autumn of our lives. I choose to recognize the vibrant green of spring that is offering me the renewal of turning over a new leaf. Finding the “green” of prosperity, not just in economic terms for myself, but in a re-greening of the planet is my vision. In my blog “Your Money or Your Life”, I referred to some concepts that resonate deeply for me.
For much of my life, I felt like a “human doing”. Rather than a human being, I was working myself to death. Leaving the blue- collar workforce at age 72 left me exhausted and depleted. Doing anything more strenuous than raising a cup of coffee to my lips to get a bit of stimulation seemed too much effort to engage in. Fortunately, that changed in the spring of 2022.
After recuperating from many years of long hours working nearly 20 years in the Arctic Alaska oilfields, I began to integrate the skills I had learned related to communication, conflict resolution, and Critical Incident Stress Management. My new life’s work is that which I am called to share with you through Express Ways.
Being “Who I Am” in this new realm has me feeling as though I am “youthening” instead of aging. There will be more to come about these ideas on this newly launched website.
My “techno-terror” is worse than the stage fright we address through Speaking Circles. I have joked that I thought I was getting gray hair until I realized I was leaking gray matter. I trust that within reason, my brain can reinvigorate enough to allow me more proficiency on this website soon.
In my lifetime we were able to avoid the perils that would lead to “nuclear winter”. We have moved into the prospect of “perpetual summer”. We must avoid this peril at all costs for the sake of future generations, if not for ourselves. My hope is we may journey together on The Road to New Solutions. As we envision a renewed spirit of love and cooperation in the world, what else have I got to do with the rest of my life?